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Dos & Don'ts of Cleaning Light Fixtures
maria jose de la grana
Hello there!! Welcome to Lumin Lamp House Blog.
Today we will give you the basic dos and don'ts of when it comes to cleaning your light fixtures, which we are sure will be of great guidance.
Cleaning the light fixtures throughout your home ensures that your bulbs provide the amount of luminosity they should, keeping a bright ambiance. Accumulated dust and grime can make bulbs appear up to 30% dimmer and, if the shades or covers are dirty too, you reduce the amount of light even more.
Before starting with the cleaning, make sure you have enough time on you, a very important don't is to clean your light fixtures in a hurry, and also: BE SAFE! Turn off the light.
For Polished Metal Light Fixtures
- With a soft cloth, clean your fixture regularly using plain water or a mild detergent soap
- Use a non-abrasive paste or liquid wax to provide extra protection (Turtle Wax or other non-abrasive car wax)
- Make sure any cleaning or polishing cloth is free of abrasive material
- Don’t use materials or cleaners with ammonia or alcohol
- Don’t use any glass or general-purpose cleaners, as most chemicals will damage the lacquer coating (i.e. Pledge, Windex, Endust, to name a few)
- Don’t use a rough-textured cloth
For Chandeliers
Supplies: stepladder, a soft cloth, plain water, or mild detergent soap.
- Clean your chandelier at least once a year
- Many chandeliers have a rather complex hanging pattern for the crystal or glass accents, so always make note of how your design goes together before you begin cleaning
- Use padding under the work area
- Never Use Sprays: Sprays can potentially ruin the frame and cause corrosion.
- Never Use Harsh Cleansers: harsh soaps, chemical-based cleaners, ammonia-based products, or citrus orange cleaners can damage the many delicate pieces of the chandelier.
- Avoid moving the chandelier while cleaning it: Never turn, spin or twist your chandelier as you clean it. Not only will your diagram be difficult to follow, but you will cause wear and tear on the connection to the ceiling.
For Crystal Light Fixtures
- Allow the light to cool down before you start and, depending on the light fixtures, you may need to remove the bulbs.
- Treat your chandelier gently. Crystal can be damaged and easily scratched if it is not handled properly.
- Use soft clothes with plain water or mild detergent
- Do not put crystals in your dishwasher. Dishwashing tablets will cause pitting to the crystal.
- Never twirl or rotate your fitting around as you run the risk of loosening the ceiling support
- Don’t use a rough-textured cloth
The cleaning of lighting fixtures is as important as any other home chore, they require the correct maintenance for keeping them glowing. Just remember that it must be done properly, so the fixtures don't get damaged.
We hope this information turns out useful for you, reader! Thank you for stopping by, and reading so far!
See you soon, xx
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